пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.

about Google Friend Connect

На днях зайдя в гугл ридер я была в шоке, когда увидела, что в моем списке чтения нет ни одного блога! Больше всего меня расстроило то, что я не смогу в скором времени восстановить в списке чтения все мои любимые блоги! Но, к счастью, оказалось что это всего лишь какой-то глюк. Какое же я испытала облегчение. Так вот к чему это я. Я узнала, что гугл ридер (гугл френд коннект) прекращает работу с 1 июля. Поэтому, во избежание таких ситуаций, я, как и многие блоггеры, предлагаю Вам подписаться на мой блог в bloglovin или google plus (в правой колонке  блога) и оставить ссылки на Ваши блоги в комментариях к этому посту, если мы являемся взаимными читателями и я Вас обязательно добавлю!

The other day going to Google Reader, I was shocked when I saw that in my reading list was no blog! I was most upset by the fact that I will not soon recover the list of all my favorite blogs! But, fortunately, it turned out that this is just a glitch. What am I relieved. So that is what I am about. I learned that Google Reader (Google Friend Connect) terminates on July 1. Therefore, to avoid such situations, like many bloggers, I suggest you subscribe to my blog to bloglovin or google plus (in the right column of the blog) and leave links to your blog in the comments to this post if we are mutually readers and I'm sure to add you!

Ну и конечно же иллюстрация, чтобы как-то скрасить такой пост!
And of course the illustration, to somehow brighten up a post!
Спасибо, за внимание!
Thank you for your attention!

13 комментариев:

  1. Beautiful illustration! You should be a fashion designer, you have such a great talent drawing :)
    I heard about "GFC", it's really sad, but it is not sure yet! Anyway, you have now the new "Google+ Followers" gadget in your layout, you can add it on your blog, it's almost the same as the "GFC" Just in case, I already added it, it is on my left side bar. I like "bloglovin", I have it, and I'm following you there as well, but I hate not knowing (and seeing) "who" is following me, so for me the most important is the "G+ followers" ;)
    So, besides GFC and bloglovin, I'm now following you on "G+".....will you follow me back so we can keep in touch?


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  2. Dear!!so cute illustration!!
    Thank you so much and I´m a new follower on your blog!!=)
    kisses and have a nice weekend!!

  3. Танюш, во избежании будущих возможных неполадок http://nastyaslookbook.blogspot.ru/

  4. Cute drawing!! I love the font, it almost looks like it's embossed on the paper! <3 So glad I clicked on your comment that led me back to your blog, your posts' contents are info and image juicy so expect to be seeing some regular comments from me. If you fancy over-sized coats, then you've gotta check out my new textured over-sized Viktor & Rolf runway coat (got in on sale of course, phew! lol) accompanied with provoking color-block accessories. Tell me just how provoked you are! ;P

    xx The Provoker

  5. Hi again :D
    Just let you now, that the "Google friend Connect" will never leave us, it is a misunderstood. You can read all about it "HERE"


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  6. You got a great Blog. Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know ;)

  7. Танюш, добавилсь, давай и ты ко мне http://schikina.blogspot.ru/
    Девушка в красном прекрасна)

  8. Great blog.
    Would you mind to follow each others in FB, bloglovin and twitter? :)

    Bong's Belleza
